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Showing posts with the label SMaheshblogs audio

The journey of Podcast #Smaheshblogsaudio

 Do I really feel this would be happy to show and write about this phase of my life, yes I do. This idea started of audio content creation came to me when I was in my 10th grade when I got an opportunity to speak before my first professional mic at Hindustan university. That day I got the best RJ award for best performance how many people participated yes many and I was selected. An received the school price.What happened next day?They called out my name in school assembly ,that was the best feel of all time.I felt this is it and you are gonna do somthing good in the field of RJing. My dad has a great role in this dream as he is a person if you have 24 hours he will lend 1hr from next day and listen to radio.My house my day starts with radio and ends with radio.More than TV I have lsitened to Radio more. Through the journey I have come across many organization and wanted to learn of audio and its scope. Why ? The life of RJ is so anonymous as we dont know who is he/she but we would jus